We apologize for any trouble you are having with your order. Cancellations on blackanddecker.com are allowed within 30 minutes of placing an order by logging into your account and going to your order detail page. You can also reach out to the Customer Service team to assist with canceling your order within 30 minutes of being placed.
To initiate a return, please contact Customer Service through chat (see the chat on the bottom right side of the screen), a form (navigate to "Support" > "Send us a message"), or give us a call at 800-465-6070. The Customer Service team will provide a prepaid shipping label. You can find a list of local facilities here (https://www.ups.com/dropoff/?loc=en_US). You can find return status information in your MyBlackandDecker account, under Order History, and, if you have notifications enabled, you will receive information about your return via email.
Please note gift wrap and shipping charges are non-refundable.
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1 comment
7/ii/23 I have spent over an hour today alone trying to get an email address for B&D all to no avail. I tried yesterday as well to cancel a previous order via your customer service dept., again to no avail due to your comlacated online system that fails to process the messages, or fails to provide an email address, after your long delays of phone responses. CC t.goehrig@yahoo.com
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